Elements area
Bereik aantekeningen
- Avisos o anuncios grandes en una sola hoja impresas en uno o en ambos lados, a menudo primando lo textual sobre la ilustración, e impresos para ser leídos desplegados. Para hojas dobladas con material impreso que generalmente no cruza los dobleces, use "carpetilla (material impreso)"
- EN: Sizeable single-sheet notices or advertisements printed on one or both sides, often chiefly textual rather than pictorial, and printed to be read unfolded. For the format in which the sheet is not folded, use "broadsheet (format)." For folded sheets having printed matter that generally does not cross the folds, use "folders (printed matter)."
ron aantekeningen
- Getty's Art & Architecture Thesaurus, ID: 300026739, Link: http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300026739