Affichage de 63 résultats

Genre terme Note sur la portée et contenu Description archivistique décompte Notice d'autorité décompte
Périodiques (2)
  • Publicaciones editadas en intervalos regulares de más de un día.
  • EN: Publications issued at regular intervals, but not daily, containing articles on various subjects by different authors for the general reader.
4 0
Pétitions 1 0
  • EN: Refers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. The concept does not include reproductive prints of documents and technical drawings, for which descriptors found under "<reprographic copies>" are more appropriate. The concept may include photographs made by digital means.
  • EN: Refers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. The concept does not include reproductive prints of documents and technical drawings, for which descriptors found under "" are more appropriate. The concept may include photographs made by digital means.
270 0
Poésie 0 0
Portraits 0 0
Programmes 5 0
  • Documentos que contienen presentaciones de hechos o el registro de algún procedimiento, investigación o suceso.
  • EN: Official or formal records of a special investigation, in the form of documents containing presentations of facts, proceedings, investigations, or events.
41 0
Récits 0 0
Transcriptions 0 0
Administrative records 22 0
Financial Records 4 0
Mortage 0 0
Decree 1 0
  • Úsese para publicaciones periódicas que contienen artículos, ensayos, poemas u otras composiciones escritas por autores diferentes, generalmente sobre una variedad de temas y destinadas a un público lector general o sobre un área particular de interés para una audiencia popular.
  • EN: Periodicals containing articles, essays, poems, or other writings by different authors, usually on a variety of topics and intended for a general reading public or treating a particular area of interest for a popular audience.
5 0
Procedures (documents)
  • Registros de normas establecidas o métodos para la conducción de los asuntos de un negocio, cuerpo legislativo o tribunal.
  • EN: Records of established forms or methods for conducting the affairs of a business, legislative body, or court of law.
3 0
  • Publicaciones para fanáticos de aspectos de la cultura popular como la música pop, los cómics y otros intereses especializados, en especial la ciencia ficción y obras fantásticas, a menudo en ediciones económicas y de circulación reducida.
  • EN: Periodicals for enthusiasts of aspects of popular culture such as pop music, comic books, and other specialized interests, especially science fiction and fantasy works, often inexpensively produced and with small circulation.
1 0
Screenshots 20 0
Letters patent 0 0
Ledgers 0 0
Bylaws 1 0
  • EN: A serial publication issued by an organization or society, especially a short account, alert, or report of public news or events issued by an authority.
5 0
Legal records 0 0
Contract 2 0
Agreement 1 0
Balances 4 0
Resolution 1 0
Digital records 14 0
Annual reports 25 0
Memorias 1 0
Minute books 5 0