Showing 63 results

Genre term Notitie toepassingsgebied Archivistische beschrijving count Geauthoriseerde beschrijving count
Bylaws 1 0
  • EN: A serial publication issued by an organization or society, especially a short account, alert, or report of public news or events issued by an authority.
5 0
Catalogs 0 0
Music 0 0
Programs 5 0
Recording logs 0 0
Scores 0 0
Sheet Music 0 0
Timetables 1 0
  • Comúnmente muchas hojas dobladas y encuadernadas que contienen impresiones continuas o escrituras; especialmente, cuando impresas, forman un volumen encuadernado, o un volumen de algún tamaño dado.
  • EN: Items comprising a collection of leaves of paper, parchment, wood, stiffened textile, ivory, metal tablets, or other flat material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together in a volume.
2 0
  • Documentos que contienen presentaciones de hechos o el registro de algún procedimiento, investigación o suceso.
  • EN: Official or formal records of a special investigation, in the form of documents containing presentations of facts, proceedings, investigations, or events.
41 0
  • Expresiones grabadas, impresas o escritas solicitando o requiriendo la compañía de una persona a una hora y en un lugar determinados.
  • EN: Engraved, printed, or written expressions requesting a person's company at a certain event at a given time and place.
27 0
  • Letreros destinados a ser exhibidos para anunciar, promocionar, o publicitar una actividad, causa, producto, o servicio; también, impresiones decorativas producidas para distribución masiva y para ser colgadas.
  • EN: Notices, usually decorative or pictorial, intended to be posted to advertise, promote, or publicize an activity, cause, product, or service; also, decorative, mass-produced prints intended for hanging.
3 0
  • Cintas magnéticas en las cuales las imágenes visuales se registran electrónicamente, con o sin sonido.
  • EN: Magnetic tapes on which visual images are electronically recorded and played back, with or without sound.
11 0
  • EN: Refers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. The concept does not include reproductive prints of documents and technical drawings, for which descriptors found under "<reprographic copies>" are more appropriate. The concept may include photographs made by digital means.
  • EN: Refers to still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. The concept does not include reproductive prints of documents and technical drawings, for which descriptors found under "" are more appropriate. The concept may include photographs made by digital means.
270 0
Legal records 0 0
Contract 2 0
Agreement 1 0
Balances 4 0
Resolution 1 0
Digital records 14 0
Annual reports 25 0
Paintings 0 0
Petitions 1 0
  • Serials published at stated, frequent intervals, such as daily or weekly, and containing news, editorials, features, advertisements, and other items of current interest.
  • EN: Serials published at stated, frequent intervals, such as daily or weekly, and containing news, editorials, features, advertisements, and other items of current interest.
2 0
  • Cualquier forma de comunicación escrita y dirigida, enviada o recibida, incluyendo cartas, postales, memorandos, notas, telegramas o cables.
  • EN: Any forms of addressed and written communication sent and received, including letters, postcards, memorandums, notes, telegrams, or cables.
5 0
Revistas académicas
  • Úsese para publicaciones periódicas conteniendo artículos eruditos o la difusión de información sobre desarrollos en el campo académico.
  • EN: Periodical publications, particularly those containing scholarly articles or otherwise disseminating information on developments in a particular subject field.
3 0
Memorias 1 0
Actas 25 0
Minute books 5 0